Project: Confirmation

You'll be dusting off your Ticket agent project (or one of the other projects that has users registering) and having it send out a "You have booked your ticket" email to all Passengers.


Setting up a mailer is a relatively straightforward task. It's very similar to building a new controller and views. Once you've made a couple, it should come naturally.


You'll be dusting off your Ticket agent project (or one of the other projects that has users registering) and having it send out a "You have booked your ticket" email to all Passengers when they are created as part of the booking process.

  1. Locate and load up the project file.

  2. Do some pushups and jumping jacks. You've been spending a bit too much time at the computer lately.

  3. Generate your new mailer with $ rails generate mailer PassengerMailer.

  4. Install the letter_opener gem (see docs here) to open your emails in the browser instead of sending them in the development environment.

  5. Follow through the steps listed in the Rails Guide to create the action to send the "thank you" email.

  6. Build both a .html.erb and .text.erb version of your thank you ticket email.

  7. Test that the email sends by creating a new flight booking (letter_opener should open it in the browser for you if you've set it up properly).

  8. Try out one other trick -- call the mailer directly from the Rails Console using something like:

    > PassengerMailer.thank_you_email(Passenger.first).deliver_now!
  9. Extra Credit: Deploy it to Heroku and try it out. If you deploy to Heroku, there will be a bit of additional setup to get the SendGrid add-on (see docs) and make sure your configuration is set up properly. The docs describe how to get that up and going.

Additional resources

This section contains helpful links to other content. It isn't required, so consider it supplemental for if you need to dive deeper into something.

Last updated